Wednesday 9 February 2011

1st Step on the Property Ladder

My little girl turned 2 last week and for the past 7 weeks Daddy has been busy trying to build a cute little playhouse!  As the wood delivery arrived I was left unsure as to how this pile off wood on a pallette would turn into the beautiful girlie outldoor playhouse I was hoping for, given my husbands joinery skills (none at all to that point)!!!!

picture to follow of early stages

I have to say I my pride has surged as week by week he has progressed further with a little help from borrowed tools, his best friend and 'grandpa' with the final stages complete just in time for her birthday last week.  As you can see from the pictures it's a real achievement - beautiful window boxes and scalloped trim are divine!  I've had such fun making her some beautiful interiors with a spotty minnie/mickey theme (current favourite).  How lucky are we to have such a talented joiner in the house!


  1. Wow! I knew I should have married a woodworker. Sure, my husband is ok, but the idea of having someone around that could make some of my ideas a reality... Instead I'm the only one that wields the power tools around here.

  2. Ha my hubby is no woodworker, he works in IT just a money savings savvy yorkshireman who thought it would be cheaper to make a house himeslf. He was inspired by an online 'grandad's tutorial' that he found, much like me with the sewing! In reality it cost as much as a store bought one but is obviously much better quality wood and totally made with love (and quite a bit of stressing on his part)!


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