Monday 28 March 2011

Bits and Bobs

Blog posts have slowed a little now, it's getting nearer to craft fair season so I'm a busy busy bee making lovely things to sell.

In between though I have had chance to make my little girl some little toys that she has been longing for.  She loves a little cartoon called Bits and Bobs about two puppets who, along with their wheeled machine, Trog, set out to investigate the world.   Throughout the programme, children are encouraged to answer questions posed by Bits and Bobs helping children to develop problem-solving skills whilst thinking through answers.  Here's an official picture of the characters:

Bits and Bobs

We haven't been able to find any merchandising for these little characters so Mummy promised to have a go at making them.  Every time we go into a fabric shop Bella has been reminding me about fabric for bits and bobs - she has a very good memory when she wants!

Last week I found just the fabric on a great shopping trip (see my other post about the NEC Sewing For Pleasure Show).  As I only had a couple of hours to make them I didn't get chance to take pictures of each stage but there are loads of tutorials out there about how to make fabric balls - the purl bee has a really good straightforward one.  I  made 2 balls using the '6 pieces of fabric cut in the shape of a leaf' type of pattern (as opposed to the 'sew lots of hexagons together' pattern), added my eyes and felt eyelids and mouth before sewing the pieces together leaving a small hole to turn them the right side out, filling with toy stuffing and slip stitching the gap.  The end product is pictured below, my little girl couldn't believe it when she woke up, isn't that the magic thing about creating things for your children!


  1. hi can you still make these?

  2. Sorry I am on maternity leave and not doing any sewing at the moment.

  3. arr no worries,thanks for the reply

  4. hey there
    are you still available to make these bits and bobs plushes??

  5. Hi can you add some squeeze in bits and bobs


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